Three courageous female soldiers in the U.S. Army – a Major, a First Lieutenant, and a Lieutenant Colonel, who are deployed in the Middle East found two helpless puppies abandoned outside their base gate. Moments later they knew they had to act fast to save the pups’ lives and reached out to us for help.
The two deeply bonded brothers huddled together scared and starving; all they had in the world was each other. Locals told the soldiers that animal control was coming for them in the morning—and that would seal their fate, but looking into their innocent eyes and adorable faces, our heroes couldn’t let that happen. The pups became known as Tanner and Troop, and they were running out of time.
But something was wrong. We suspected that Tanner was suffering from even more than the effects of being abandoned. Both pups were taken for veterinary assessment where it was confirmed their harsh beginning to life had taken its toll; both were also anemic and suffering with internal infections. Treatment began immediately, but Tanner was still struggling. After further tests he was diagnosed with a debilitating condition affecting him right down to his bones. He was in significant pain and his health was deteriorating rapidly, but despite everything, his little tail wagged his tail whenever he looked at Troop. Tragically, although all efforts were made to save Tanner, the toll on his frail body was too great. He wasn’t responding to treatments, and he couldn’t fight any longer. His young heart stopped beating and he passed away peacefully. Who knows what the outcome would have been if he had been loved and cared for the way he deserved instead of being abandoned.
The soldiers and our team are heartbroken, but no one more than Troop. He is lost without Tanner, and on saying goodbye to his brother, he ran around him, kissing him, not understanding why he wasn’t responding. He has become so sad and quiet, and looks every time a door opens – hoping his best friend is coming back. The news has been hard on everyone, but we must continue with the knowledge that Tanner got the best chance to make it, and he was surrounded by love. Now we must save Troop.
YOU CAN HELP! Please make Paws of War part of your GivingTuesday donations!
SeaQuest is the source of hundreds of animal abuse complaints
Keeping wild animals in small, bare cages inside a retail shopping mall is absurd and abhorrently cruel. Yet this is the business model of SeaQuest, a for-profit chain of shopping mall-based wild animal petting zoos that has been plagued with controversies and cited by the U.S. Department of Agriculture more than 110 times for violations of the Animal Welfare Act.
SeaQuest peddles public interactions with wild animals such as sloths, sugar gliders, capybaras, coatimundis, kinkajous, wallabies and Bengal cats, as well as various fish, reptiles and birds. Customers grab, handle, pet and poke at these animals intermittently all day long. The animals have no access to sunlight or fresh air, no means to escape the loud, chaotic environment created by scores of adults and children coming in and out of SeaQuest facilities throughout the day, and no space or natural habitat in which to express their natural behaviors.
Such an environment—at SeaQuest and other facilities like it—doesn’t teach people to respect and admire animals. It teaches them that wild animals are playthings to be toyed with for amusement. The Humane Society of the United States sent an undercover investigator to two SeaQuest locations to shine a spotlight on this cruelty and strengthen our broader push for an end to it.
Pixies & Paws, which sells animals from cruel breeders
Documents provided to Kane In Your Corner News 12 Investigative unit show Pixies and Paws, a self-proclaimed “animal rescue” based in New Jersey and serving the tristate area, purchased more than 160 dogs from commercial breeders in Ohio. The purchases were made during a three-month period alone. It’s an arrangement some consumer groups say means Pixies and Paws is acting less like a rescue and more like an online pet store.
In an investigation in May, Kane In Your Corner spoke to Jonisha Lewis about her experience adopting a dog from Pixies and Paws. She said the dog had such significant health problems that her veterinarian deemed it “unfit for sale”. “My son was crying,” Lewis said. “And he was just like, ‘Why? Why Is this happening? Like, why is he sick’?” Then there was the adoption fee – a whopping $1,500… which at first, Pixies and Paws refused to refund, although it eventually relented after Kane In Your Corner began investigating.
Saved overseas as a helpless two-week old kitten, Smokey wouldn’t have survived without US Army Sergeant Avery. With nothing overseas for Smokey when he returns from deployment, he can’t bear the thought of leaving sweet baby Smokey alone to suffer. With your help we can get this vulnerable girl safely to America where she can have a happy future with her hero and his family!
Our War-Torn rescue team is in action to rescue Smokey and bring her to safety in America, and we need your help.
A kind donation today will help us get Smokey closer to her safe happy life with her hero and his family, where she will never have to suffer again.
Meet Rhett, a playful and affectionate 2-year-old Golden doodle looking for his forever family!
Rhett is big-hearted, full of energy and needs a home where he’ll get plenty of time, attention, and love. Rhett would thrive with an experienced handler and in a household with children 16 and older, as he’s strong, smart, and always up for adventure. His favorite activities? Long walks, playing ball, and soaking up the outdoors. Treat-motivated and quick to learn, Rhett will make an amazing companion for someone ready to embrace his joyful spirit.
Rhett is available to veterans, first responders, and Gold Star families and is waiting to bring endless fun and loyalty to the perfect home.
If you’re interested in adopting Rhett, click the link below!
As a violent storm battered an American base in a desolate part of Africa, U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Hope heard a desperate cry outside her door and when she looked out to investigate, a terrified kitten – Gizmo – rushed in and went into hiding. That was the moment she knew she had to act to save the vulnerable cat and reached out to Paws of War for help. Gizmo was abandoned near the base and with nothing around to survive on, her condition rapidly deteriorated. Staff Sergeant Hope and some other soldiers had been doing what they could – making a tiny lean-to for shelter, and sharing their food, but in a very remote area there wasn’t much available to them to help a struggling cat. Gizmo cowered in the makeshift shelter – afraid of the many predators lurking, and would only come out when she heard SSG Hope who she chose as her person. The sweet cat was so thankful to have someone be kind to her that she would bring gifts of bugs, leaves, and pieces of trash – all she could find to say “I love you” to brighten her hero’s day. In turn SSG Hope found comfort in having the little cat around but while she makes her smile, she can’t take her mind off the worry of knowing Gizmo can’t make it on her own when she returns Stateside and the fear in the young cat during the storm served as a reminder.
Aside from predators, other starving animals, the daily activities of an active military base and constant moving of heavy vehicles, the brutal weather conditions claim the lives of animals daily. Temperatures routinely reach more than 100 degrees through the day and torrential rains during storm season cause severe flooding and life-threatening destruction. There is nothing for homeless animals, and no way to keep them safe. Staff Sergeant Hope is a hero who has selflessly served our country for over a decade; spending many months at a time away from her family and she has never asked for anything, until now. All she is pleading for is help to save the life of the loving cat who became her best friend and a source of joy so far from home.
Our War-Torn Pups and Cats rescue team is in action as we speak – handling the complex logistics of a rescue mission to such a remote location, alongside complying with extensive CDC import requirements, but to save any of the animals who need our help, we need you beside us. Together we can get Gizmo out of harm’s way.. A kind donation of even just a few dollars today will make it possible to get her to the love and safety waiting for her with SSG Hope here in America.
Last year, the genius politicians of #JerseyCity suddenly ended the contract with @LibertyHumaneSociety, and its team that many other shelters and rescues have very happily worked with for years. Still, the hiring of a new director, staff, and new procedures designed for the animals’ benefit heralded the possibility that things would actually work out. It wasn’t to be. When a dog attacked and seriously injured the new boss, bureaucrats who know nothing about a shelter or animal welfare, and even less about leadership and common decency emerged, once again throwing a promising start into turmoil.
In February of this year, a Selmer City, TN woman brought a horribly emaciated dog to a rescue group, claiming that the dog had been abandoned at her house. The rescue immediately rushed the dog, which they renamed Elmer, to an emergency veterinary clinic. Sadly, despite all their efforts, this poor, sweet Great Dane died.
The Guardians of Rescue sent Elmer’s remains to a pathology lab to determine an exact cause of death. The results of Elmer’s necropsy were shocking and heartbreaking. While Elmer suffered from intestinal parasites and heartworm disease, the official cause of death was starvation–a painful, excruciating way to die. It was later determined that Elmer had, in fact, been living with this terribly cruel and heartless woman since 2020.
The Guardians of Rescue’s investigation showed that this lady was the owner of Elmer, and responsible for his gruesome death; in response, the Selmer City Police Department charged her with one count of animal cruelty and ordered her to rehome any animals in her custody. Based on her history of breeding Great Danes, the presence of a heavy intestinal parasite load, heartworm disease and the intestinal obstruction that caused Elmer to die a slow, agonizing death by starvation, we believe she should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
No matter where you live or whether or not you own a pet, we ask and encourage you to SIGN THE PETITION TO GET JUSTICE FOR ELMER – PLEASE! The only deterrent we have to these horrible, cruel crimes is to hold the criminals accountable!
(The Guardians of Rescue is a registered 501(c)3, not for profit organization whose members work tirelessly to work to protect the wellbeing of all animals and come to the aid of those in distress. We are all about People Helping Animals and Animals Helping People.)
On February 13, 2023, I said goodbye to my Popeye, the most loving, gentle, and sweet doggy I’ve ever known. I had to help him across the rainbow bridge that day, with the aid of Dr. Sara from Lap of Love, because he was suffering terribly from a disease I’d never even heard of until January, even though I was raised with dogs and had been volunteering around them for years.
Popeye’s downward spiral began last October, when he started coughing for no apparent reason. He was diagnosed then by his regular vet with “simple” lung inflammation, and treated with antibiotics and steroids. But he didn’t get well, so we went back, and upon re-examination and more X-Rays, he was diagnosed with full-blown pneumonia, and put back on a course of stronger antibiotics. He seemed to get better, and I was relieved. Sadly, on December 2 he had a terrible fit of coughing and threw up a strange white foam. Unlike vomit, it contained no food residue, was bright white, and so thick that paper towels couldn’t mop it up. But he was diagnosed again with pneumonia, probably “aspiration pneumonia” which results when food particles get into the lungs. After spending a very difficult day in the ER, the vet there said he needed hospitalization, and off we went. He spent two nights and two days there on IV antibiotics and fluids. Happily, the hospital called, said he was eating small amounts of food and keeping it down, and was cleared to go home. I picked him up, his tail was wagging, and once again I was relieved…and exhausted.
But I still had no diagnosis as to what had caused his newest symptoms. Fast forward to early January, and Popeye was once again retching up that white foam at least every other day, and went back to the ER. There we saw a different vet, who ordered yet another (now the 3rd) set of chest X-Rays; she told me he had AP pneumonia again, and was put on antibiotics. She also said she was referring us to an internal medicine specialist, who actually wouldn’t join the practice until the following week. So nine days later, my baby and I went back…again. After several hours including an examination and a review of his previous X-Rays, the Internist told me that Popeye had Megaesophagus (ME), a disease that can be very hard to treat and often has poor outcomes especially in a senior, as Popeye was. I was gobsmacked. The doctor strongly suggested we test my boy for Myasthenia Gravis (MG), which can cause ME, but two weeks later–the blood sample had to go all the way to the west coast (honestly, no other lab?)–the results were negative. That was actually a letdown, because MG is evidently more treatable. And the blood tests also showed no thyroid problems, which can also cause ME. His illness was “idiopathic”– no known cause.
I was despondent but determined to do everything I could to manage this thing and keep him with me. The vet had recommended giving him liquid Sildenafil, literally doggy Viagra, before meals, which in some pups is thought to help manage ME. I tried giving it 30, 15, 10, and 5 minutes before, but in almost every case he still regurgitated, sometime as much as 2-3 hours after eating. Another recommendation from the Internist was a “Bailey Chair” which I bought online, and assembled using my very meager mechanical skills. Bailey chairs keep the pup sitting upright while they eat and for some time after, allowing gravity to do its work moving the food through the esophagus into the stomach. But I just couldn’t get my stubborn boy Popeye to sit in it without forcing him, which I could never do. One other thing I noted in my research was that some ME pups have Persistent Right Aortic Arch (PRAA), but that’s a congenital problem that would have showed up years earlier, and he wasn’t a candidate for surgery in any event.
In the end, my sweet boy couldn’t keep anything down–he started regurgitating every single meal. He’d always loved to eat, but now wouldn’t even approach his food bowl. Then he even stopped drinking water. He wouldn’t leave the apartment, which he’d always loved, too, and just splayed himself on the couch, sleeping and exhausted. Not knowing what to do, I arranged a video call with a Hospice Veterinarian, also through Lap of Love, and after an hour conversation and a 35-question evaluation, we decided that his quality of life was very poor and it was all but impossible that it would improve. Popeye was at least 13, and had other health problems when I adopted him, including Horner’s Syndrome on the left side of his face, which already made eating more difficult. And now he was just worn out, and his body had given up, though I’m sure his spirit was intact. I knew I had to let him go.
It was the most painful decision of my life. And it still hurts. I hate this damn disease. And I am angry that he presented with symptoms, including loud, retching regurgitation of the telltale white foam of Megaesophagus right in front of three different vets, two of whom were happy to take thousands of dollars in treatments from me but with no diagnosis. Not even a mention of the word, which is also indicated by the aspiration pneumonia he had three times. Even the internal medicine specialist who finally diagnosed him never mentioned a half-dozen drugs and supplements other humans are giving their ME pups with often good results.
I don’t want to be harsh but I think the veterinary medicine community needs to get its act together far more on this terrible disease, which is suddenly and mercilessly taking the lives of otherwise healthy pups, young and old alike.
In May 2021, I posted that SERESTO Flea and Tick Collars had been implicated in almost 2000 pet deaths and more than 75,000 incidents and illnesses, from relatively minor effects, such as animals suffering itchiness and skin irritation, to serious emergencies including seizures, convulsions, and, yes, horrible deaths. Vets and health experts say this is no mere coincidence.
A little more than a year later, I am dismayed that they’re still being widely sold, despite a significant amount of damning evidence that they’re dangerous. So much so, in fact, that the US Congress, not known for doing much if anything for American consumers, now links the collars to about 2500 pet deaths and more than 100,000 pet illnesses. The collar, made by Elanco Animal Health, is linked to a higher number of death and injury reports than competing products, claims the report from the Committee on Oversight and Reform’s subcommittee on economic and consumer policy. And the report says they should be RECALLED and taken off the market.
US Congresswoman, Rep. Katie Porter, a Democrat from Southern California who also sits on the subcommittee, asked Alanco (parent company) CEO Simmons in mid-June 2022 about the fact that other countries including Australia and Colombia have large warnings on the packaging for Seresto collars and “label them as poison.” Canada even decided to bar sales of the Seresto collar because its review of U.S. incidents and toxicology studies found it “posed too great a risk to pets and their owners to be sold in Canada.”
So that’s why I was even more dismayed when I was online with Chewyon July 3,ordering some things for my beloved Popeye, when I opened a chat with “Ashley H” at 3:53 pm. When I told her my concerns, within two seconds she had pasted in what I refer to as a “form-letter corporate PR response.” As we continued to chat, she wrote (verbatim): “I do apologize for the misinformation that you were given, at this time I am not obligated to discuss this matter any further, if you are uncomfortable using this product we do understand however we will continue to sell the item until we are told that we are no longer able. Then, remarkably, she accused ME of giving HER misinformation (verbatim): I do apologize that you feel that way about this product, the information that you are giving me is misinformation. (!!)
I’ve been a fan an customer of Chewy for years; their service is outstanding and their people (OTHER than “Ashley H”) are friendly. And Chewy says it loves our pets. But even if the data are not 100% conclusive, there is enough evidence that SERESTO collars should not be sold or used–if you care about the life and health of your pet!