What Happens Next with the NJSPCA? Let’s Ask Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal!

We all know that the homeless and abused animals of New Jersey will be better off once the “wanna-be” cops of the NJSPCA go away on June 30, 2018.  Yet another voice has weighed in here to describe why NJ citizens and animals are far better off without this band of, as described by the NJ State Commission of Investigation, “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing.”

Now the important question for our new, NJ Attorney General, Gurbir S. Grewal, is, what happens next?

  • What happens to all the donor money in their coffers?
  • What happens to the trucks, cars, radios, guns, badges, HQ Building, office equipment, and other tangible property?
  • How will the organization be unwound by the 30th of June?
  • What is Attorney General Grewal doing to put a new animal law enforcement regime into place?
  • What is Attorney General Grewal doing to ensure that the current and recent past “Board” members of the NJSPCA are not allowed to game the system and worm their way back into animal welfare enforcement, something that they demionstrated conclusively they’re not capable–nor worthy–of?

We call upon the Attorney General to step upand take an active leadership role in winding down this now-defunct organization–which continues, by the way, to pursue frivolous lawsuits with donor money while the animals suffer.

What’s Next When the NJSPCA is Dissolved?

The NJSPCA has done little or nothing for suffering animals in NJ. They have, however, bought and equipped cars and trucks, radios, and a HQ building; spent absurd sums on outside counsel, pursued frivolous lawsuits, bought hundreds of thousands of rounds of ammunition, vests, uniforms, and carried shiny badges.  They’ve illegally pulled over NJ drivers without authority.  Their absurd and abusive behavior went on and on.  But – that is set to change once Governor Christie signs the bill dissolving these “wanna-be” cops as a law enforcement agency.

But what’s next, once the responsibility for animal cruelty law enforcement is turned over to ACTUAL professionals, not amateur clowns?

News12 NJ’s Walt Kane looks at the future HERE.

NJSPCA Seeks to Block State Investigation

From News12 New Jersey, Kane in Your Corner: The attorney for the New Jersey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is suing a state investigative agency in an effort to block the release of the results of a state investigation into his client.

Legal documents obtained by Kane In Your Corner show the attorney, Harry Levin, filed the lawsuit against the New Jersey Commission of Investigation just hours after NJSPCA President Steve Shatkin proclaimed at a public meeting that “the SCI looked under every rock and quite frankly found no illegality, no corruption, no stealing, no fraud, no nothing.”

Really? We will see.

See KIYC’s coverage here.