The History and Downfall of the Disgraced NJSPCA

This interesting and detailed piece provides much of the history of the disgraceful New Jersey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (NJSPCA), a “gun club” of “wanna-be cops” who did little to help suffering, homeless and abused animals but clearly enjoyed pretending they were police.

This band of clowns was finally dissolved as a “law enforcement” organization by a NJ law, sponsored by former NJ State Senator Ray Lesniak, passed without opposition and signed by Governor Christie on his last full day in office.

HERE’s the piece itself.

And HERE’s the report from the New Jersey State Commission of Investigation titled “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing. “

Governor Christie Signs Bill Dissolving NJSPCA! Happy Day!

Thanks to investigative coverage by Walt Kane of News 12 New Jersey, NJ Spotlight and the efforts of (now-retired) Senator Ray Lesniak, New Jersey’s homeless and abused animals are much better off now that outgoing Governor Christie signed the bill dissolving the NJSPCA as a law enforcement agency.

This band of wanna-be cops leaves a sad legacy of suffering animals, lost opportunity, and the enormous waste of millions of donor dollars. The organization’s leadership, described by the NJ SCI as “Wolves in Sheeps’ Clothing” showed their true colors at the last minute with a cynical attempt to deceive the New Jersey Assembly; luckily, it didn’t work. Now the important work of caring for animals can go where it belongs, to capable and legitimate law enforcement officers.

I am working with HSUS New Jersey to develop an educational program on animal law enforcement, for County Prosecutors and HLEOs in North Jersey, South Jersey and Central Jersey.  WE WILL MAKE THIS WORK!

See News12’s coverage here.


Corrupt and Incompetent NJSPCA Swept into Dustbin of History!

Today the only thing more exciting than the Crimson Tide’s amazing overtime win was the vote of the NJ Assembly, 63-0, to dissolve the NJSPCA as a law enforcement organization!  Thanks to the efforts of the “Reformers” Group, Senator Ray Lesniak and Walt Kane of News 12 New Jersey, this group of wanna-be cops will finally be put out to pasture, and the enforcement of animal cruelty laws in NJ will go where it belongs, to real law enforcement officers and NJ County Prosecutors.  It speaks volumes that at the last moment, the NJSPCA undertook an email campaign asking its members to deceive the NJ Assembly.  It failed.  They failed.  Good riddance.

They are, as @RealDonaldTrump would say, SAD!

See News 12’s coverage here! 

See NJ.Com’s coverage here.

News12NJ and NJ Spotlight Expose Attempt by NJSPCA to Deceive NJ Assembly

In an exclusive tonight, News 12 NJ’s Walt Kane exposes an attempt by NJSPCA official Phil Amato to deceive the NJ Assembly via a dishonest and possibly illegal email campaign, in opposition to a pending bill.  The bill, which follows on the heels of a scathing report on the NJSPCA by the New Jersey State Commission of Investigation, would remove the failed agency’s law enforcment authority and place it in the hands of competent, trained police officers and NJ County Prosecutors.  Where it belongs .

Walt exposes the NJSPCA’s email scheme HERE.

Caren Chesler of NJ Spotlight followed up with THIS piece.

It is shameful.  And the NJSPCA is shameless.


Lesniak Legislation to Dissolve NJSPCA Moves Forward – But the Fight is not Won (yet)

NJ State Senator Ray Lesniak, in the wake of the NJ SCI investigation of the NJSPCA that found incompetence, mismanagement, waste, fraud and abuse, has proposed legislation that if enacted will put animal cruelty law enforcement back where it belongs: in the hands of actual, not “wanna-be” police officers, and country prosecutors.

Bill S3558 would call for the creation of a county prosecutor animal cruelty task force in each county, and for a municipal humane law enforcement officer to be appointed in each municipality.

It’s about time.

For’s coverage of the issue and upcoming vote, go HERE.

Star-Ledger Columnist Asks “Why not arm all the Activists?”, cites scathing report on NJSPCA

Newark Star-Ledger Columnist Paul Mulshein asks – sarcastically – if we’re arming the so-called  “animal cops” of the NJSPCA,  then why not arm, say, the Sierra Club?  He points to the folly of having private citizens, with little or no oversight, running around the state with guns and, get this, a 10-wheeled paramilitary assault vehicle.  

For his take on this group and its conduct, go HERE

By the way, these “wannabe” cops stamp “POLICE” on their vehicles and call themselves “Animal Cops” but they are NOT Police.

NJ Investigation Calls Out “Persistent Waste, Abuse at NJSPCA”

TRENTON NJ, October 20, 2017:  In a news release titled Persistent Waste, Abuse at NJSPCA,” the State Commission of Investigation says “One of New Jersey’s leading humane organizations remains incapable of adequately fulfilling its core mission – enforcing the State’s animal cruelty laws.”

The release goes on to detail that “the NJSPCA fails to consistently respond to
animal cruelty complaints in a timely manner, spends exorbitant sums on legal billings rather than for direct animal care and remains a haven for “wannabe” cops – some of whom believe they are free to exercise police powers beyond enforcement of the animal cruelty statutes.”

For the full report, titled WOLVES IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING, go here. 

All we can hope for is that the new Governor, whomever he or she is, will actually act on this scathing report and implement its recommendations.  Shame on him or her if they don’t.

Here’s just a smattering of the extensive media coverage: