Tell Your Congressperson and Senators to Pass “Goldie’s Act” and Stop Cruel Puppy Mills

A Puppy Mill

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has a number of responsibilities and authorities, among them the oversight of dog breeders, often referred to as “puppy mills.” Certainly, there are humane and reputable breeders, who care for the animals they breed as well as their offspring, and do their best to ensure the puppies they sell are healthy for when they go off to their new owners.

But in far too many cases, these puppy mills are true mills–factories–where animals are cruelly abused and neglected, getting little or no health care, underfed, sick, in pain, confined in cages too small to even stand or turn, with pups being sent off to their new families with terrible, even fatal illnesses.

Named after a Golden Retriever (“Goldie”) who suffered extreme neglect and died at a “USDA-licensed” puppy mill in Iowa where she was known only as No. 142, the Goldie’s Act law will require the USDA to conduct more frequent and meaningful inspections, provide lifesaving intervention for suffering animals, issue penalties for violations, and communicate with local law enforcement to address cruelty and neglect.  

I’ve generally opposed breeders, even good ones, because I know that there are millions of homeless dogs in shelters, thousands of whom are killed each day because the shelters ostensibly “run out of space.”  And that’s because humans, far too often, selfishly insist on owning purebred dogs (who may not in fact be) or specific breeds, and simply ignore of the plight of so many beautiful angels suffering in shelters.
But until now, even I didn’t know how corrupt the USDA is, not just in ignoring its job to regulate and oversee breeders, but even corruptly covering up horrific crimes of animal cruelty: “Yet, days after the DOJ negotiated surrender of the [4000] beagles [from a USDA-licensed business, Envigo, where the USDA documented horrific cruelty during “routine inspections” over several months, including dead dogs, starving dogs, dogs in dangerous conditions, and dogs in need of veterinary care], the USDA renewed the company’s license for another year, and a shocking new report from Reuters revealed that senior USDA leaders went to great lengths to cover up both Envigo’s [cruel and horrific] treatment of the dogs, and the agency’s own refusal to protect the animals.”
TELL YOUR LAWMAKERS: Pass “Goldie’s Act,” protect the puppies, mommies, and daddies, and HOLD THE USDA ACCOUNTABLE!
To contact your US Representative and Senators:
See the full article from the Animal Legal Defense Fund here.

On 3/2/20: Tell Old Bridge Township Council NO PUPPY MILL PETS!!

PUPPY MILLS: Cruelty and Suffering

The Old Bridge, New Jersey Township Council seems on the path to approving the sale of “Puppy Mill” pets at a new township Pet Store, Safari Stan’s. Despite huge opposition from local citizens, animal advocates, shelter and rescue volunteers, and the Humane Society among others–and ordinances prohibiting them in 100+ NJ municipalities–the Council appears bent on this.

Tell them NO!  Puppy Mills are just that: Mills. They ARE CRUEL AND INHUMANE and spread diseases.  SPEAK UP FOR CREATURES WHO HAVE NO VOICE, at the Old Bridge Town Council meeting Monday, March 2 at 7:30 pm, #1 Old Bridge Plaza, Courtroom. 

You can also EMAIL the Council members:


Old Bridge, New Jersey Does NOT Need an Inhumane Petland!

On Monday evening January 13, 2020, the Township Council of Old Bridge, NJ heard a presentation from two gentlemen who are opening a Petland pet store in the township. Their presentation, complete with story boards and photos, extolled the “wonderful, humane and sanitary” conditions under which the breeders from which they’d source animals operate. They cited the approval of these “fine” breeders by the USDA and verified by inspections. Their descriptions of these breeders sounded as though the animals were living in the Ritz Carlton.

Well, they’re not.

And moments later, a virtual parade of public speakers testified that these breeders are in fact, inhumane prisons where animals are treated with unbelievable and painful cruelty, used as virtual machines to pump out puppies that are then sold to the unsuspecting public for hundreds or thousands of dollars.

To their credit, many of the opposing speakers said they assumed positive intent on the art of the proprietors, and that they not only did not oppose the opening of the store, but supported it. What they opposed was allowing the store to sell puppies that would almost certainly come from these cruel and inhumane breeders.  Several said that they felt that the proprietors have been duped. We must agree.  And this must not be allowed to go forward.

If you want to learn more about these cruel, greedy and inhumane breeders, take a gander here.

More contact information to express your opposition will soon be posted.

Tell the SAYREVILLE NJ Town Council to prohibit puppy mill sales!

Puppy Mill Photo-credit HSUS

With millions of homeless animals and tens of thousands being killed (euthanized, the euphemism ) daily for lack of shelter space, there is no place in a decent, humane society for any puppy mill, ever. None. 

The Sayreville Town Council will be discussing the passing of a pet ordinance to prohibit the sale of dogs and cats from puppy mills in pet stores in the Township. The meeting will be Monday evening Nov. 25.
If you care about animals, please contact the Town Council members and ask them to vote for the bill prohibiting the sale of animals bred in cruel puppy mills.


Holmdel NJ Bans Puppy Mills! Who’s Next?

According to the Holmdel, NJ Patch on March 1, 2018, the Holmdel Township Committee passed a new ordinance that effectively bans pet stores from opening in the Township.

The ordinance, which was unanimously passed, allows future businesses to sell animal supplies, and provide grooming, training and boarding but may not sell cats or dogs. They could host adoption events with animals sourced from local shelters, similar to what national retailers like PetCo and PetSmart do.

More information can be found HERE.

This is good news and we need more such ordinances in NJ boroughs and communities. Puppy Mills are just bad:  Terrible suffering for the animals and eventual if not immediate heartbreak for humans!

The Sickening and Inhumane Specter of Puppy Mills

“Animal people” like us are avowed enemies of puppy mills, which are just horror shows that represent animal cruelty by  definition. We need NATIONAL legislation to outlaw these criminal enterprises, but sadly, few of our “representatives” in Congress give a damn about animals.

Still, if you’re a skeptic and you think this is an overblown crisis, read this Rolling Stone piece.  And then tell me these places are ok.  You can’t.

Here’s but one quote: “Here were the parent dogs in desperate shape: blinded by cataracts and corneal ulcers; their jaws half-gone or missing entirely after their teeth had rotted away.  Some were so feeble they couldn’t stand erect; their paws were urine-scalded and their wrists were deformed from squatting on wire their entire lives.”

DON’T buy from breeders. Go to your local shelter and ADOPT.  When you buy from a puppy mill or cat breeder you are literally supporting animal cruelty.